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What is a graphical user interface (IU)?

What is a graphical user interface (IU)?
  • A graphical user interface (GUI) is a type of user interface through which users interact with electronic devices via visual indicator representations. 
  • The graphical user interface, developed in the late 1970s by the Xerox Palo Alto research laboratory and deployed commercially in Apple’s Macintosh and Microsoft’s Windows operating systems, was designed as a response to the problem of inefficient usability in early, text-based command-line interfaces for the average user. 
  • Graphical user interfaces would become the standard of user-centered design in software application programming, providing users the capability to intuitively operate computers and other electronic devices through the direct manipulation of graphical icons such as buttons, scroll bars, windows, tabs, menus, cursors, and the mouse pointing device. Many modern graphical user interfaces feature touchscreen and voice-command interaction capabilities. 

Why good UI design is important? 

  • User Interface Design is important because it can make or break your customer base. It creates fewer problems, increases user involvement, perfects functionality and creates a strong link between your customers and your website. 
  • a good User Interface is important because it can turn potential visitors to buyers as it facilitates interactions between the user and your website or web application. 
  • When you look at the big picture, it’s easy to understand why User Interface Design is so important. It is the reason companies either see success or failure. It is the way that your website speaks to your audience and the way that your audience comes to understand your company. It is the one aspect of your functionality that you shouldn’t ever skimp on or underestimate. If you are just starting out, or think your website could use a boost in User Interface Design