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Privacy & Identity in Cyberspace

Discuss the three ways privacy is threatened by cyber technology.

· Accessibility Privacy - Privacy that is defined in terms of one's physical "being let alone," or freedom from intrusion into one's physical space.

· Decisional Privacy - Privacy that is defined in terms of freedom from interference in one's choices and decisions.

· Informational Privacy - Privacy that is defined as control over the flow of one's personal information, including the transfer and exchange of that information.

Discuss the Comprehensive Account of Privacy.

· According to Moor, an individual has privacy in a situation if in that particular situation the individual is protected from intrusion, interference, and information access by others.

· Moor (1997) has introduced a theory of privacy that incorporates important elements of the non-intrusion, non-interference, and informational views of privacy.

Discuss Moor’s Theory of Privacy.

· In Privacy Rights, Adam Moore adds informational privacy to physical and spatial privacy as fundamental to developing a general theory of privacy that is well grounded morally and legally.

What kind of value is privacy? And why is Privacy Important?

· Privacy is important because: Privacy gives us the power to choose our thoughts and feelings and who we share them with. Privacy protects our information we do not want shared publicly such as personal finances. Privacy helps protect our physical safety.

Discuss the Techniques on how to Manipulate Personal Data.

· SELECT: The select statement allows users to pull a selection from the database to work with. You tell the computer what to SELECT and FROM where.

· UPDATE: To change data that already exists, you will use the UPDATE statement. You can tell the database to update certain sets of information and the new information that should be input, either with single records or multiple records at a time.

· INSERT: You can move data from one location to another by using the INSERT statement.

· DELETE: To get rid of existing records within a table, you use the DELETE statement. You tell the system where to delete from and what files to get rid of.