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 I.             Areas of Consideration (Facts)

The Electronic Mall Bodensee (emb.net) project was launched in January 1995 to develop and implement a regional, electronic marketplace in the area around Lake Constance in Europe. EMB major goal was to strengthen the economy of the region, utilizing the potential of new telematic infrastructures of the information age. It is based on Internet technology. EMB serves as an example for observation of business transactions between different partners on a regional scale.


II.            Problem

The currently prevailing problem of acceptance, which is still a significant hurdle for electronic market platforms. Even the EMB enables world-wide access, still business has been regionally limited, due to the fact that some shops offer their products only in German. Currency Problem. vendors accept only their local currency Because of this, settlement becomes very expensive for the buyer because banks charge high transfer and exchange fees.


III.          Alternative Courses of Action

The Electronic Mall Bodensee acts as an electronic intermediary reducing the number of direct business partners. Instead of sending private information to many different merchants, the customer sends it only to the EMB. The resulting indirect relationship helps to preserve privacy.


The BROKAT Solution

·        Brokat is a German company which recently developed a security solution for payment settlements.

·        Java-based and uses a 128-bit encryption key within the applet.

·        The loading of the applet takes more than one minute, which makes the process quite time-consuming. Once the applet is transferred the relevant payment information is encrypted using a 128-bit “Euro-key”.


·        SecureNet is a Swiss product developed by r3, a company specializing in security and encryption. SecureNet requires the installation of additional client software on the customer’s local machine (r3 SSL HTTP Client). The software serves as a secure proxy which encodes the information using a 128-bit code. The SecureNet server also needs special software to be able to interpret the encoded information (the r3 SSL HTTP Server).

·        most transactions are settled using credit cards, the data is stored legibly on the local EMB server in a SQL/Oracle database.


IV.          Evaluation of each ACAs

Computers are special technology and they raise some special ethical issues. Electronic malls like the EMB open up many new possibilities that were never available before. For example, people all over the globe suddenly become potential customers for a “local” shop without ever leaving their country or even their own homes. Can potentially serve customers world-wide, instead of just people who happen to live nearby or tourists who happen to be passing through. an EMB project group is studying potential improvements that could be derived from using the SET-standard (Secure Electronic Transactions) payment protocol which VISA and MasterCard developed to enable secure credit card transactions via open electronic networks. GTE, IBM, Microsoft, Netscape, VeriSign and other important players supported the two credit card companies in developing SET as an open standard. Payment transactions which are performed using SET result in some big advantages regarding protection of personal customer information. These are:

1. Secured data transfer via encryption

2. Data integrity due to digital signatures

3. Authentication of card holder and vendor via digital signatures and certificates


V.            Conclusion

Computer ethics is the analysis of the nature and social impact of computer technology and the corresponding formulation and justification of policies for the ethical use of such technology. The creators of the EMB, their customers, the cooperating merchants and international business organizations, the regional and national governments involved are all engaged in a complex process of weighing considered ethical judgments, interpreting and adjusting old policies, and creating new policies. The aim of this complex process is to eventually formulate rules of conduct that will preserve and protect the security and privacy of personal data that flows through the EMB and makes Cyber business possible in the Boden see region of Europe. It is clear that the decision process involved is much more complex than merely applying philosophical theories like utilitarianism and Kantianism to cases and dilemmas. Indeed, such an abstract academic activity may not take place at all; and in any case it would remain a very small part of the ethical policy-making process.